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风险的见解: 理解、预防和减轻工作场所暴力


Workplace violence threatens the health and safety of employees, clients and visitors. 它影响到所有行业, 无论大小或位置, and its occurrences can have significant financial and reputational effects.

This article presents information on workplace violence trends, impacts and prevention strategies. 


OSHA defines workplace violence as any act or threat of physical violence, 骚扰, intimidation or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at a worksite. Workplace violence can include 威胁, verbal abuse, physical assaults and homicide.

国家职业安全研究所 & 健康提示:工作场所暴力有四种类型:

I型 involves an individual with criminal intent who has no legitimate relationship to the business or its employees. 个人典型的犯罪行为(例如.g.(入店行窃或非法侵入)与暴力有关.

II型 涉及个人(e).g., a client) who has a relationship with the business and engages in workplace violence at the business while or after receiving their services.

类型III involves worker-on-worker violence and includes instances when an employee attacks or threatens another employee.

IV型 involves an individual who has a personal relationship with a business’s employee but does not have a relationship with the business itself.


工作场所暴力在美国是一个不幸的现实. 美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that 20,050 private industry workers experienced trauma from nonfatal workplace violence that required days away from work in 2020. 那些受害者, 22%的人需要31天以上的假期, 22%的人需要休息3到5天.

美国劳工统计局还报告说,美国有392名女性.S. 2020年,工人是工作场所凶杀案的受害者. 此外,美国.S. Department of Labor reported that around 27% of all violent events in a workplace were connected to domestic violence.

Workplace violence is a serious issue that affects a significant number of employees. 根据人力资源管理协会(SHRM), 近七分之一的员工在工作中感到不安全. 另外, OSHA reports that workplace violence is one of the leading causes of job-related deaths. 

OSHA has analyzed workplace violence data and identified certain groups who may be particularly vulnerable. 其中包括与公众兑换货币的工人, 与反复无常的人交往, 提供照顾或服务, 或者当送货司机. 单独或小组工作的工人, 在偏远地区, 在深夜或清晨, 提供酒精饮料的地方, 在高犯罪率地区, or in community settings and homes where they have extensive contact with the public may also be at a heightened risk. 此外, 保健和社会服务工作者, 公共服务工作者, 客户服务代理, 信运营商, 社区工作者, 执法人员, 零售业工人和出租车司机是最脆弱的群体.

It is important to understand that workplace violence can occur in any setting and that no business is immune to it.


Workplace violence has a significant impact on victims, co-workers, witnesses and victims’ families. 根据洛杉矶县公共卫生部门, 32% of employees develop post-traumatic stress disorder or other traumatic disorders following a workplace violence incident. 另外, 高达20%的员工出现抑郁症状, 大多数员工可能会感到悲伤, 恐惧, disgust and anger; they may be unable to maintain a safe and secure feeling at work. The department also noted that up to 50% of employees consider leaving their jobs following an incident of workplace violence. 

对雇主来说, 工作场所暴力导致生产力下降, 增加的保险费用, 声誉损失, 法律责任, 运营停机时间和监管处罚. OSHA发现18,每周000起工作场所性侵犯导致1,751,每年损失5000个工作日, 花费了5500万美元的工资. Employers’ direct costs of workplace violence range from $3 billion to $5 billion, 而间接成本则在6美元.40亿美元和360亿美元. SHRM reported that the aftermath of workplace violence can lead to a decrease in productivity by up to 50% and employee turnover of 20%-40%. The average out-of-court settlement for a workplace violence-related lawsuit is around $500,000.

Strategies to Prevent and Reduce Workplace Violence and Minimize Liability

To effectively prevent and reduce workplace violence and mitigate liabilities, businesses should implement a comprehensive violence prevention program. Management commitment and employee participation are essential for its success. 该计划应包括以下方面:

  • 严格的申请人筛选—Thoroughly screening job applicants, ensuring compliance with all relevant employment laws
  • 继续教育-美高美集团4688预防暴力政策和安全规程的持续培训
  • 全面的培训—Regular training on recognizing, avoiding, and de-escalating potentially violent situations
  • 风险评估-定期评估以识别潜在危险
  • 事件报告和记录保存程序-明确报告事件和保存记录的程序
  • 零容忍政策-明确反对暴力、欺凌和骚扰的政策
  • 武器的政策-在法律允许的范围内禁止武器的政策
  • 事件调查-要求调查所有报告的事件 
  • 应急响应—Procedures for responding to emergencies, including handling active shooter 威胁, 提供及时的医疗和咨询服务, 并向当地政府报告事故
  • 事后的支持-在事故发生后为支援人员实施最佳做法

Employers have a legal and ethical obligation to prevent workplace violence. They should recognize warning signs and take appropriate corrective actions. 警告信号包括过度饮酒或吸毒, 行为变化, 旷工, 抑郁和情绪波动.

技术可以在预防方面发挥重要作用, 减少, 减轻和应对职场暴力. There are numerous tools available that can be utilized for this purpose, 包括武器探测系统, 紧急按钮和警报系统, 安全摄像头, 门禁系统和紧急封锁系统, 音频/视频分析, 虚拟现实培训, 数字化楼面规划, and artificial intelligence to identify suspicious behavior and perform other case management functions.


Understanding, preventing and 减少 workplace violence is essential for businesses. Not only can a comprehensive safety plan improve the safety of a work environment, but it can also protect a company’s finances and reputation and mitigate its liabilities. 

This 风险的见解 is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. Readers should contact legal counsel or an insurance professional for appropriate advice. ©2023 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.






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